Alien Abduction
Alien Abduction
The film begins with a dim, out-of-focus corridor with machinery sounds and screams, an opening disposal chute, and the camera falling back to Earth where it is later recovered by the U.S. Air Force. Information on-screen then reveals the recording is being used to review the footage for Project Blue Book.
Riley Morris keeps a video journal while on a family camping trip in Brown Mountain, North Carolina. On the last night of their trip, Riley is startled by flashes of light outside of the tent he shares with his older teenage brother and sister, Corey (Corey Eid) and Jillian (Jillian Clare). Riley wakes them and urges them to investigate. The siblings spot three distinct star-like objects in the sky which maneuver abruptly and vanish.
The following morning, while driving down the mountain en route to the highway, Riley's father, Peter (Peter Holden) is sidetracked when their GPS mysteriously misdirects them to an isolated route. Riley's mother, Katie (Katherine Sigismund), senses something is wrong when they lose their cellphone signals. The family starts to panic when Peter announces the car is running low on gas. A crow unexpectedly falls besides the car, dead.
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